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1967 Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi crowns himself after 26 years on the Peacock Throne Last Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 1968 First European satellite launched Esro 1 at Cape Kennedy 1968 KMIR TV channel 36 in Palm Springs CA (NBC) begins broadcasting 1968 Soviet Union launches spacecraft Soyuz 3 1968 The Soviet Union wraps up.
26 Oktober Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
What Happened On This Day – October 26 2001 Patriot Act Comes into Effect in the US Signed into law by President George W Bush as a result of the September 11 2001 attacks the act is formally known as Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 The act gave security agencies more power to.
26 oktober Wikiwand
26 október er 299dagur ársins (300 á hlaupári) samkvæmt gregoríska tímatalinu 66 dagar eru eftir af árinu Atburðir 1235 Bela 4 varð konungur Ungverjalands 1406 Eiríkur af Pommern giftist Filippu af Englandi 1562 Franskir kaþólikkar náðu Rouen á sitt vald undir stjórn Antoine de Bourbon Navarrakonungs sem sjálfur særðist til ólífis.
October 26, 2020: History, News, Top Tweets, Social Media
26 October 1993 is an artwork created in 1993 as a collaboration between English artists Henry Bond and Sam TaylorWood both of whom were involved in the Young British Artists scene of contemporary art It is a pastiche or remaking of a wellknown photographic portrait of John Lennon and Yoko Ono that was made by Annie Leibovitz a few hours before Lennon’s murder.
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26 October 1993 Wikipedia
26 Oktober 2021 YouTube
October 26 in history On this day
26. oktober Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Category:26 October Wikimedia Commons
26. október Wikipedia, frjálsa alfræðiritið
Tanggal 26 Oktober 2022 : Memperingati Apa, Weton, Zodiak
October 26 Wikipedia
26 Oktober Wikipédia
“Norge i dag” 26. oktober (TV Episode 2021) IMDb
26. Oktober English translation – Linguee
“Supernytt” 26. oktober (TV Episode 2021) IMDb
October 26 Wikimedia Commons
26 oktober Fra Wikipedia den frie encyklopædi Spring til navigation Spring til søgning 26 oktober er dag 299 i året i den gregorianske kalender (dag 300 i skudår ) Der er 66 dage tilbage af året Amandus dag Var en meget afholdt biskop fra Maastricht i Holland som døde i 679 Sep .