6 Second Peak Power Test Norms. The sixsecond peak power test measures your highest peak power and cadence and the peak power metric will help you measure the effectiveness of your training To perform the test you would ride as hard as you can for 6 seconds Your peak power and peak rpm are usually attained within the first few pedal revolutions.
Muscle Synergy During Wingate Anaerobic Rowing Test Of Collegiate Rowers And Untrained Subjects from Scientific & Academic Publishing
Mean coefficient of variation intraclass correlation coefficient SEM and SWC for the 6 second test peak power (38% 0858 4% and 111%) and the 30 second test peak power (28% 0870 56%.
(PDF) Validation of a Six Second Cycle Test for the
The 6 second peak power test assumes a high level of basic fitness and low risk category of cardio vascular events Consult your Doctor before you commence any of the Wattbike tests or training plans.
The 6 Second Peak Power Test – Wattbike USA
a) Scatter plot with regression of peakpower using the 6secondpeakpowertest on a Watt bike (PPT6) versus peakpower using the standard Wingate anaerobic test (WanT30).
Muscle Synergy During Wingate Anaerobic Rowing Test Of Collegiate Rowers And Untrained Subjects
(PDF) Validation of a 6 Second Cycle Test for the
The 6 Second Peak Power Test – Wattbike UK
Testing, testing: Your guide to the sixsecond test Wattbike
The 6 second peak power test assumes a high level of basic fitness and low risk category of cardio vascular events Consult your Doctor before you commence any of the Wattbike tests or training plans.