Lukas 2 1 20. Lukas 2120 Sensus dan Kelahiran Yesus Kristus (Mat 11825) 21 Pada waktu itu Kaisar Agustus mengeluarkan perintah agar diadakan sensus bagi semua penduduk di seluruh dunia.
Fortellingen Som Endret Verdenshistorien Lukas 2 1 20 from Noreapastoren
lukas 2120 In daardie tyd het keiser Augustus 'n bevel uitgevaardig dat 'n volkstelling in die hele ryk gehou moet word Hierdie eerste volkstelling het plaasgevind toe Sirenius goewerneur was in die provinsie Sirië.
Luke 2:120 ESV The Birth of Jesus Christ In those
Lukas2 Einheitsübersetzung 2016 Die Geburt Jesu 1 Es geschah aber in jenen Tagen dass Kaiser Augustus den Befehl erließ den ganzen Erdkreis in Steuerlisten einzutragen.
The Birth of Jesus Christ 2 In those days () a decree went out from () Caesar Augustus that all the world should be () registered 2 This was the first () registration when [] Quirinius () was governor of Syria 3 And all went to be registered each to his own town 4 And Joseph also went up () from Galilee from the town of () Nazareth to Judea to () the city of David which is called.
LUKAS 2:120 In daardie tyd het keiser Augustus 'n bevel
Lukas 212021 Pada waktu itu Kaisar Agustus q mengeluarkan suatu perintah menyuruh mendaftarkan semua orang di seluruh dunia r 22 Inilah pendaftaran yang pertama kali diadakan sewaktu Kirenius menjadi wali negeri di Siria s 23 Maka pergilah semua orang mendaftarkan diri masingmasing di kotanya sendiri 24 Demikian juga Yusuf pergi.
Fortellingen Som Endret Verdenshistorien Lukas 2 1 20
Luk 2:120 (AYT)
Ayat Alkitab Luk 2:120 (TB) Tampilan Daftar SABDA
Luke 2:120 NIV The Birth of Jesus In those days Bible
2 In those days Caesar Augustus ( A) issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world ( B) 2 (This was the first census that took place while[ a] Quirinius was governor of Syria) ( C) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register 4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea to Bethlehem.