Mutiara Persada. The vessel MUTIARA PERSADA 1 (IMO 7375856 MMSI 525018314) is a Passenger/RoRo Cargo Ship built in 1975 (46 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Indonesia.

Mutiara Persada Multi Community School mutiara persada
Mutiara Persada Multi Community School from

The current position of KM MUTIARA PERSADA 1 is at Indonesia (coordinates 59709 S / 1059832 E) reported 347 days ago by AIS The vessel is sailing at a speed of 01 knots The vessel KM MUTIARA PERSADA 1 (IMO 7375856 MMSI 525018314) is a Passenger/RoRo Cargo Ship built in 1975 (46 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Indonesia Course / Speed 3280° / 01 knIMO / MMSI 7375856 / 525018314Current draught 48 mPosition received 347 days ago i.


MUTIARA PERSADA III Current Position Where is the current position of MUTIARA PERSADA III presently? Vessel MUTIARA PERSADA III is a passenger ship sailing under the flag of Indonesia Her IMO number is 9004592 and MMSI number is 525003337 Main ship particulars are length of 151 m and beam of 23 m Maps below show the following voyage data.

KM MUTIARA PERSADA 1, Passenger/RoRo Cargo Ship Details

Mutiara Persada with the Primary Education has successfully achieved “A” rated school accreditation and reached many other achievements in various fields Our students work towards confidence in their act speaking decisionmaking interpersonal skills and linguistic ability which make them have the potential to contribute in a variety of national and international environment With the Mutiara Persada applies a NationalPlus curriculum and is.


The undersigned parents or guardian of the students whose name is stated in block 1 above gives permission to Mutiara Persada Primary School to use and post student s photos and video recordings for the Mutiara Persada Parents and Students Handbook Year Book Website Brochure and other information.

Mutiara Persada Multi Community School

Photos AIS (MMSI: 525003337) Ship MUTIARA PERSADA III

MUTIARA PERSADA 1 – Passenger/RoRo Cargo Ship, IMO 7375856


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