Soal Conditional Sentence Type 1. Conditional sentence type 1 condition nya mungkin dapat dipenuhi type 2 tidak atau hampir tidak mungkin dipenuhi sedangkan type 3 tidak mungkin dipenuhi Adapun conditional type 0 (zero conditional) condition nya selalu terpenuhi rumus conditional sentence tipe 0 1 2 3.
Conditionals Exercises from
Soal Latihan Conditional Sentence Type 1 Klik start untuk mulai mengerjakan! 1 If Risa on time I will be happy 2 If Risa has much time she will you 3 If you study hard you will not pass the test 4.
50 Soal Conditional Sentences Dan Kunci Jawaban Nekopencil
Soal Isian Singkat (Tipe Zero & First Conditional) 1 Avatar will make peace the 4 worlds if Avatar (master) 4 elements 2 If you eat you (feel) full 3 There will be no mercy if you always (do) this again 4 Will you marry me if I (have) much money? 5 My laptop (work) well if the battery is full charge 6 If you close your eyes you User Interaction Count 2.
Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence Type 1 2 3 & Jawabannya
Soal Latihan ConditionalSentenceType1 dan Jawabannya Conditionalsentencetype.
Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence Type 1 dan Jawaban Bahasa
Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence Type 1 2 3 Berikut ini contoh conditionalsentence “If I.
Conditionals Exercises
Soal Conditional Sentence Type 0, 1, 2, 3 dan Jawaban
Soal Latihan Conditional Sentence Type 1 ProProfs Quiz
Soal Latihan Conditional Sentence Type 1 dan Jawabannya
Sekilas Conditional Sentence Type 110 Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence Type 1JawabanConditional sentence type 1 merupakan conditional sentence dimana result (hasil) dari condition (syarat) ada kemungkinan untuk terwujud di masa depan karena conditionnya masuk akal untuk dipenuhi Pilihlah jawaban yang menurutmu paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong 1 11 orders 12 order 2 21 wouldn’t offer 22 won’t offer 3 31 will call 32 would call 4 41 will he gets 42 will he get 5 51 will not 52 will not be 6 61 hasn’t 62 doesn’t have 7 71 will double 72 doubles 8 81 don’t 82 aren’t 9 91 will be cooked 92 will cook 10 101 will your home end up 102 will your home be ended up a orders| a customer = singular subject gunakan “orders”b won’t offer| gunakan won’t (will not) pada conditional sentence type 1 bukan wouldn’t (would not)a will call| gunakan will pada conditional sentence type 1 bukan wouldb will he get| verb setelah modal auxiliary verb (will) berbentuk dasar (bare infinitive) tanpa penambahan s/es.