Sumur Bor Banda Aceh. On 5 August 2018 a destructive and shallow earthquake measuring M w 69 (M L 70 according to BMKG) struck the island of Lombok IndonesiaIt was the main shock following its foreshock a nearby M w 64 earthquake on 29 JulyIt was followed by a nearby 69 earthquake on 19 August 2018 The epicentre was located inland near Loloan Village in North Lombok Regency.
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Banda Aceh akan bangun pusat kuliner terbesar di Peunayong 20 Januari 2022 2320 Sumur resapan telah dibangun di 266 lokasi di Kepulauan Seribu untuk testing tercatat dalam sepekan masih nol atau belum memadai sedang perawatan tercatat sudah memadai karena BOR rumah sakit di angka 000 per pekan* Baca juga.
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