Surat Al Qiyamah. The Noble Qur’an in many languages in an easytouse interface.
Nd June 2013 Surah Al Qiyamah Sistersnotes 22nd June 2013 Surah Al Qiyamah Class 5 Acirc from PDFSlide
AlQur’an Surat Al’AlaqSurat Al ‘Alaq terdiri atas 19 ayat termasuk golongan suratsurat Makkiyah Ayat 1 sampai dengan 5 dari surat ini adalah ayatayat Al Quran yang pertama sekali diturunkan yaitu di waktu Nabi Muhammad saw berkhalwat.
AlQur'an Surat Al'Alaq (Terjemahan Indonesia
And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity and not to reveal their adornments 1 except what normally appears 2 Let them draw their veils over their chests and not reveal their ˹hidden˺ adornments 3 except to their husbands their fathers their fathersinlaw their sons their stepsons their brothers their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons their fellow.
Surat AlKahf The Noble Qur'an القرآن الكريم
The Noble Qur’an in many languages in an easytouse interface.
Nd June 2013 Surah Al Qiyamah Sistersnotes 22nd June 2013 Surah Al Qiyamah Class 5 Acirc
31 Surah AnNur
Surat AlWaqi`ah The Noble Qur’an القرآن الكريم
AlQur’an Surat AlMu’minun (Terjemahan Indonesia
AlQur’an Surat AlMu’minun Surat Al Mu’minuun terdiri atas 118 ayat termasuk golongan suratsurat Makkiyyah Dinamai Al Mu’minuun karena permulaan ayat ini manerangkan bagaimana seharusnya sifatsifat orang mukmin yang menyebabkan keberuntungan.